


At the time of deciding to restyle the web pages of my company TORRENTS RESEARCH, and due to a change in the approach to professional activities, I decided to review the writings of reflection that I had previously published on my website.

I realized that time passes quickly and that something that you write today on a current topic may not be valid tomorrow. It may be completely outdated or may have been overtaken by the evolution of the context, it may even contradict what you wanted to say initially.

This is why I have deleted all the writings accumulated so far and started over. The world evolves at a speed that sometimes we cannot absorb and technology and advances in material and digital applications often surpass the most exercised thoughts and the most well-prepared intelligences. How far will humanity go in this race of continuous improvements and the appearance of new techniques that are surpassed day by day?

I believe that there is a great margin of evolution. If we do not destroy ourselves we will still have to progress a lot in the next one hundred years until we reach the intergalactic travels where, without any doubt, we will arrive as long as we know how to preserve our world and humanity. Cheer up!

The next galactic voyages